Posted on Sep 27, 2012
Hello to all,
I have never been a real bread eater, but use to enjoy a good muffin or good piece of bread now and again. I discovered 5 years ago that I had Celiac, so bread and such were basicly truly removed from my diet except for rice bread which is so-so. And than I found your muffins when shopping at Thunderbird market 100 miles from where I live. Wow, they were like finding gold they are so good. i think the 100 mile drive to get one of your muffins is well worth the drive. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Jacqueline Clark
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Posted on Sep 27, 2012
Hi Kasondra!
Thank you soooo very much for your Flax4Life products!!! They are exactly what I've been looking for, both for Gluten-free and high fiber needs. You have created a much-needed product for those who are Gluten-free, both by need or choice. You've also enriched the lives of those who are trying to control their cholesterol for health and/or preventative reasons. Discovering your muffins and granola has been like striking gold!
With Gratitude,
Karen Ward
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Posted on Sep 27, 2012
I just wanted to say please don't EVER stop making the Chunky Chocolate Chip Flax Muffins! They are extraordinary!!! I hope our local Fred Meyer continues to sell them, forever! :) Best healthy muffin I have ever eaten.
Keep up the good work!
Jessica Gaisford
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Posted on Sep 27, 2012
Hi there,
I love your muffins--they are so delicious and great for you too! My new favorite is the Pineapple-Coconut Muffins, but I still enjoy my other favorites of Blueberry & Carrot/Raisin. My husband who is usually quite picky about "healthy" foods like this, but he loves them as well! We actually fight over the last one muffin, so that's why I started ordering online so I always have a fresh stock in my freezer!
Thanks again for making such a great product!
Take care,
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Posted on Sep 27, 2012
Dear Kasondra,
I am gluten intolerant and very sensitive to carbs, so I try to avoid muffins, even the ones at the GF bakery near me. And besides, those GF muffins are inconsistent: sometimes they're dry and sometimes they have no flavor, or are too sweet. And, they charge $2.00 for each muffin!!!
I gave up. The day I say yours at the local Fred Meyer, I was surprised to see their whole grain appearance and the GF label. Even still, I didn't hold out much hope, knowing what a mixed bag it is with GF baked goods.
Boy was I in for a surprise! The texture, the moistness, the hearty grains and whole pieces of fruit had my full attention. I couldn't believe how delicious and satisfying they were. Although half a muffin is considered a serving, I allow myself a whole muffin for a treat with coffee at work. I figure that the approximately 300 calories I consume with your healthy muffin is far better than a 220 energy bar that is lifeless, miniscule, and {{{yawn}}}, BORING.
The next time I was in Corvallis I saw them at the co-op: even more flavors!!!! I have a hard time deciding between the wild blueberry, carrot, or cranberry orange. And I can't wait to find the pineapple coconut. Even my non-celiac husband loves them.
Thank you, thank you for this wonderful product, and like many others, if you ever make a sandwich bread, I will be first in line to pick it up!
~Madeline MacGregor, Corvallis Oregon
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Posted on Sep 27, 2012
Just a note to tell you how much I like your muffins, especially the cranberry orange. As part of a new regime to eat more healthfully I buy and freeze a package each week and take one to work each morning. I like knowing that there is something good for me that tastes good, too, to start my day.
Stephanie Frieze
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Posted on Sep 27, 2012
Hi Kasondra,
My name is Kathy Posey and I live in Port Orchard WA. I was recently told by my Naturalpathic Dr., not eat Wheat/gluten, sugar, dairy and to eat a low carb and low cholesterol diet. I recently found your muffins at the local Fred Meyer store and instantly fell in love with them, but I have not been able to find a bread that is as good to make sandwiches with that doesn't taste like cardboard and is gluten free. I was hoping that you also made a bread but was unable to find anything on your website. Will you be making a bread anytime soon?
Kathy Posey
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Posted on Sep 27, 2012
Hi Kasondra,
I just wanted to let you know that I absolutely love your muffins. I just posted a review on's Seattle edition telling everyone about them. You can find the link below. Keep up the delicious work!
Sadie Raney
Seattle Gluten Free Food Examiner
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Posted on Sep 27, 2012
While I do not appear to be gluten intolerant, I have neen diagnosed with leaky gut syndrome, last week I could not eat anything, so my husband bought some of your muffins.
I have to say, I cook everything from scratch, so at first sight your muffins looked oh well, bakery muffins, what a delightful suprise, not only were they delicious, but so healthy, I don't think with all my baking skills I would be able to turn out anything as great as this without gluten. I was astounded when I looked at your website to find they were gluten free, I have been living off them the past few days.
I hope you expand into other areas.
Fran Anderson
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Posted on Sep 27, 2012
It has all said before but I will chime in and say that there is simply no competition out there to match every aspect of your muffins. I am thrilled I can order online rather have to take trips to the store.
Thank you for adding to the quality of my life. Gotta go, have to order muffins!
Leslie, San Francisco, CA
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Posted on Sep 27, 2012
I just bought your wild blueberry muffins yesterday (first time I have tried your product) and holy cow they were good. I don't typically buy gluten free baked good from the store as they tend to not taste as good as what I can make at home. But, wow, those muffins are so good......couldn't believe how moist they are.
I'll be in search of the chocolate chip ones next.
Thanks for providing such a helathy, tasty, AND gluten free prouduct........and keep doing what your doing!
Warm regards, Amy Latourette
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Posted on Sep 27, 2012
Hi Kasondra,
I am a nutritionist in Seattle who specializes in food allergies; I myself have a wheat and gluten intolerance and I have found your muffins so incredibly delicious! Thank you for being diligent in your strong effort to produce a high-quality, reliable GF product. I am recommending your product to my clients and friends, while I'm enjoying exploring the different flavors far the orange-cran and apple-cin; blueberry is next.
Good work! I'll keep an eye out for any future products - any chance you're working on anything new? And yes, I've discovered your granola too, yum.
Johnna Dietz, Certified Nutritionist, LMP
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Posted on Sep 27, 2012
I'm a muffin lover but when I found out I was alleric to gluten, I had the worst time finding or making good muffins. Then, I found yours and they're wonderful!!! When I travel, I always bring some with me as I can't go a day without it!
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Posted on Sep 27, 2012
Dear Kasondra:
I am just another of many satisfied customers writing to tell you I love your wild blueberry muffins. (They are the only ones I have tried.) Last week I was in Portland, Oregon and bought a package at Fred Meyer because I had never seen glutenfree muffins before. (I have celiac disease.)
I am also someone who has to watch calories closely so I thought I would try just a half a muffin with some soup and an apple for lunch. I was so satisfied with just a half!! I put light Laughing Cow garlic & herb cheese on top (sounds weird, I know) and I was in heaven.
Thank you for such a wonderful product. I feel human again!!
I plan to order muffins online so I can have a steady supply out here in the hinterlands of Eastern Oregon.
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Posted on Sep 27, 2012
My name is Sasha and I recently had the delight of discovering your muffins. They are so delicious. I can't eat wheat and there are not many delicious options out there, so thank you, thank you, thank you! So far I have tried the orange cranberry and the chocolate chip both so yummy. .
Well thank again!
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Posted on Sep 27, 2012
I was going cross country skiing with friends in Portland and one of them bought your muffins at New Seasons on our way to the mountain. I had one in the car on the way up and i thought i'd died and gone to heaven. Seriously!!! I was totally blown away. I almost had tears in my eyes i was so excited. I couldn't BELIEVE how good they were AND that they were gluten free too!! (i eat gluten free) I'm about to go make a special trip to Whole Foods to find some.
Thanks for making such an amazing product!!!
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Posted on Sep 27, 2012
I'm Jennifer Sadle and my husband and I cannot stop buying your muffins (blueberry and chocolate chip) from The Grocery Outlet. They are amazing it's almost too good to be good FOR you! Thanks for making an AWESOME snack and breakfast muffin.
-Props from B'ham,
Jenn Sadle
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Posted on Sep 26, 2012
Just wanted to you to know that your muffins are wonderful. My 86 year old mother has Celiac and usually doesn't find many gluten free products that she enjoys, particularly baked goods. I buy them for her every week when I shop for her a Whole Foods.
Keep up the good work!
Joseph Monroe
Del Mar, Ca
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Posted on Sep 26, 2012
I just want to thank you for answering a desperate need for so many people. My daughter-in-law's mother has celiac disease, my husband and I both have diabetes. The muffins are so delicious, it is almost like eating something we shouldn't. I tried the chocolate chip muffin for the first time this weekend and was amazed. I love chocolate and this was a total surprise to have something so good for me taste so good.
I will eventually be ordering muffins directly from your site as they are not readily available in our area. They go off the shelves quite rapidly at every location I have found them. I usually buy three packs each time I find them.
Small family businesses are the basis of a strong nation. Thank you for rising to the challenge and developing these products.
I will be praying for your company and it's continued growth.
Ramona Butorac
Spanaway, WA
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Posted on Sep 26, 2012
I have seen these muffins twice recently in "health sections or stores" in Salem, Oregon and Sequim, Washington. I bought the Wild Blueberry and really, really like them. You have a great product!!
Jan Glen
Keizer, Oregon
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